September 11, 2020


DA Kordia

Dense Air is pleased to have selected Kordia for the provision of its Network Operations Centre in New Zealand, together with logistics and field engineering support.

AUCKLAND, New Zealand, Sept. 10, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Dense Air offers densification and network extension solutions, designed to complement Mobile Network Operators and enable Private Networks, Critical Communications and IoT connectivity.  Dense Air’s targeted small cell solution economically provides additional network capacity and eliminates both indoor and outdoor coverage “not” spots, typically on a neutral host basis.  Dense Air’s 4G radio infrastructure operates in 70 MHz of 2.6 GHz spectrum and soon also 5G.

Operational excellence is a key element of Dense Air’s service; required to retain the trust of its operator customers and to carefully and securely manage their users which are carried on its network.  Kordia has extensive operational experience and already provides network infrastructure, services and support to the major telecommunications and broadcast operators in New Zealand.

Dense Air has integrated its production environment with Kordia’s 24x7x365 Network Operations Centre in Wellington and has contracted for the implementation of monitoring, incident management, performance reporting and automated KPI dashboards into Kordia’s existing systems and processes.  In addition, Kordia has logistics and material handling capability integrated with its engineering field force that will support the installation and commissioning of Dense Air small cells.

“After nine months of detailed process definition and system integration we have launched our commercial network operations.  Kordia has demonstrated they can fully support our unique service propositions and are capable of delivering the ‘Tier 1’ support framework our business and our customers require.”

Graham Currier, Dense Air New Zealand COO

Kordia has a long track record of supporting customers with their telecommunications solutions, from build to network support, and we’re excited to be working with Dense Air to enable their network densification offering. We know through our experience in In-building Coverage that there’s demand from New Zealand businesses in this space, and it’s excellent to see Dense Air bringing a solution to market.  We’re pleased that Dense Air have trusted our operations and field support capabilities as the safe pair of hands to help them deliver the support that their customers require.”

Glen White, General Manager of Kordia Solutions New Zealand


Dense Air is headquartered in the UK and has spectrum interests in Ireland, Belgium, Portugal, New Zealand and Australia.  Dense Air provides unique “carrier of carriers” neutral host small cell services to deliver cost effective densification to any existing 4G or 5G Mobile Carrier or Service Provider.  Dense Air New Zealand is based in Auckland where it manages its operational commercial services.

Media Contact: Paul Senior (


Kordia is a highly focused, specialist telecommunications, information security and media business.  It has been delivering innovative and highly reliable enterprise-grade broadcast, telecommunications and specialised networks for more than 60 years.  It enjoys a strong presence throughout New Zealand and Australia, employing more than 800 highly skilled engineering, network operations and field technician staff, who develop networks, contract and consult.

Media contact: Sally Vernon (


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