April 23, 2021

Successful acquisition of mmWave spectrum at 26 GHz by Dense Air in Australia’s premier cities, Sydney and Melbourne

Dens Air

London, UK, April 23rd 2021 – Dense Air, the 5G RAN-as-a-Service neutral host operator has today announced the successful acquisition of mmWave spectrum at 26 GHz in Australia’s premier cities, Sydney and Melbourne. 

This paves the way for Dense Air to build densified, shared Ultra-Wideband Open RAN based 5G with revolutionary economics and performance, enabling Australian MNOs to deliver Indoor and Outdoor coverage where traditional approaches cannot.

The ACMA (Australia Communications and Media Authority) state that this band has been identified as optimal for the delivery of 5G wireless broadband services, and as such enables Dense Air to help Australian operators accelerate the deployment of 5G services to their customers.  

“This outcome represents another significant milestone for 5G in Australia. The successful allocation of this spectrum will support high speed communication services in metropolitan cities and major regional centres throughout Australia”  

Nerida O’Loughlin, ACMA Chair

The 26 GHz mmWave licences won at auction will come into force later this year for a 15-year term, ending in 2036. During this time, Dense Air will provide a new class of shared ‘neutral host’  mobile network densification and extension services.  This spectrum is in addition to Dense Air’s existing 3.6 GHz spectrum holdings in Australia.

Headquartered in London, Dense Air also has operations in New Zealand, Ireland, Portugal and Belgium.

The full results have been published on the ACMA website. For more information, please contact ACMA Media on 0438 375 776 or media@acma.gov.au.

About Dense Air

Dense Air is headquartered in the UK and has spectrum interests in Ireland, Belgium, Portugal, New Zealand and Australia.  Dense Air provides unique “carrier of carriers” neutral host small cell services to deliver cost effective densification to any existing 4G or 5G Mobile Carrier or Service Provider.  Dense Air Australia is based in Sydney.

Media Contact: Paul Senior (media@denseair.net)

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