Industry Insights: Telecom Infra Project FYUZ Event 2024
Over two days during FYUZ 2024, our team engaged in dynamic discussions and panel sessions covering a range of topics, from Open RAN to TelcoAI. During the event, we sat down with Daniel Herb and Lee Dawson to explore how the industry is evolving toward a venue-pays model to enhance in-building connectivity. We also connected with Andy Hobbs and Neil Jackson to discuss the rapid acceleration of neutral host solutions, from initial ambition to refined execution.
Read more below from the TIP website: Posted Nov. 14th 2024: Telecom Infra Project wraps a successful FYUZ 2024
From November 11th to 13th, 2024, the Telecom Infra Project (TIP) held its flagship industry event, Fyuz™, at the Convention Centre Dublin (CCD) in Ireland. This year’s theme, “Accelerate: Accelerate your deployments, business, and innovation,” set the stage for three days of in-depth discussions and insights into the future of open and disaggregated network technologies.
Fyuz™ 2024 stood out as the only event that comprehensively covers every aspect of open and disaggregated network solutions and Telco AI, attracting a diverse audience of C-Level executives, visionary thought leaders, innovators, and disruptors. The event focused on how the latest developments in network technology can be deployed, scaled, and leveraged to drive business growth and foster industry innovation.
Day 1 zeroed in on accelerating deployments, featuring case studies and updates from the Telecom Infra Project, highlighting practical strategies for implementing open and disaggregated solutions. Day 2 focused on accelerating business growth, with discussions on how organizations can leverage network advancements to unlock new revenue streams and transform their business models. The final day was all about accelerating innovation, diving into how emerging technologies like AI, Open RAN, and other disruptive tools are reshaping the telecom landscape.
Fyuz™ 2024 welcomed 1200 registrants from 51 countries, representing mobile operators and other service providers, vendors, systems integrators, regulators, investors, consultants, analysts, business and trade media, with over 60% of attendees holding senior positions (Director and above). Approximately 30% of all attendees were service providers.
Kristian Toivo, Executive Director of TIP, said, “Building on the positive feedback and recognition we received for Fyuz™ last year, our aim for 2024 was to elevate the event even further for our community, sponsors, and event attendees. We’re thrilled by the level of engagement from our delegates and the meaningful discussions that have taken place here in Dublin. A key focus this year has been on advancing testing and certification across all domains and Telco AI, driving the progress of open and disaggregated networks. Fyuz™ has become the platform where our community can engage in open conversations about these developments, and we’re grateful for their commitment to making this event the industry’s leading forum for innovation and collaboration.”

Dense Air presents Cutting-Edge Small Cell Solutions at London’s Small Cells World Summit
Small Cells World Summit in London is just a day away, and Dense Air is excited to dive into informative discussions and insightful sessions. Our CTO, Andy Hobbs, will speak about the growing ecosystem of services needed for customers and how flexible, small cell solutions meet this expanding expectation. After this speaking session, Andy will be joined on stage with Radisys and Druid Networks to discuss open and inclusive, multi-carrier small cell solutions for in-building enterprise and targeted outdoor use cases such as “connected corridors.”
As enterprises embrace digital transformation, mobile business solutions become increasingly robust, powered by cloud-native technologies, big data analytics, and artificial intelligence. Businesses today embrace both in-building wireless and workplace wireless connectivity as the foundation for productivity, connecting assets, and workplace efficiency. Dense Air partners with customers across industries and helps them advance their digital transformation journeys by strengthening their wireless connectivity. In pioneering the development of small cell centric technologies to deploy targeted clusters of small cells, Dense Air is enabling operators to provide pervasive connectivity in areas that were previously economically unviable.
Why Dense Air?
Dense Air, a Sidewalk Infrastructure Partners (SIP)company, is bridging the connectivity gaps across industries including manufacturing, hospitality, parking garages, healthcare, college campuses, commercial real estate, and multi-dwelling complexes. Our Connectivity as a Service (CaaS) solution augments mobile network operators’ existing networks to deliver optimal experiences to their customers, providing seamless connectivity for productive workplace activities and client engagement.
Small Cell and O-RAN Basics
Small cells support the densification of 4G and the adoption of 5G by delivering the flexible, scalable network infrastructure that is needed to bring higher capacity and lower latency services to end users and end devices.
As mobile network operators adopt higher frequency bands for enhanced user experiences, they are faced with new challenges of shorter range and poor penetration. However, it is not cost-effective for carriers to build out additional coverage within a structure or building. This is where Dense Air steps in. Our solution ensures comprehensive coverage by mitigating the shorter range and poor indoor penetration associated with higher frequencies.
Leveraging small cells that simultaneously use both licensed and unlicensed spectrum, we deploy clusters of low-power radio access points that are roughly the size of a small pizza box. Targeted deployments of small cells augment the existing macro network to strengthen coverage and capacity, while improving indoor and outdoor connectivity experiences. As the industry transitions to 5G and returns to the office/campus, small cell deployment will expand to improve connectivity where today’s solutions cannot.
5G innovation and small cell advancements have led to the growth of Open Radio Access Networks (O-RAN), an open architecture that Dense Air has adopted in partnership with Radisys. O-RAN drives interoperability across equipment OEMs and vendors. In other words, radio equipment from varying vendors works together in an environment to enable plug-and-play flexibility and virtualization.
Enterprise Relevance (The Neutral Host Approach)
As enterprises shift from a ‘voice and data’ approach to a broader ecosystem encompassing automation, robotics, inventory management, real-time monitoring, critical communications, and immersive experiences, the need for optimized and flexible connectivity becomes critical. These businesses must leverage multi-carriers and dynamic solutions for both wired and wireless networking.
Many in the industry are familiar with the Dense Air carrier agnostic approach and the ability to augment existing networks by identifying coverage gaps. Dense Air is also providing small cell CaaS solutions to enable enterprises to provide ubiquitous coverage and meet digital transformation goals.
Dense Air’s advantages include:
- Ease in complementing existing networks
- Carrier-agnostic and CBRS-ready “shared wireless”
- In-building and near in-building connectivity optimization
- Reducing overall costs
- Simplified integration and automation
- Greater flexibility through dynamic and distributed architecture
- Data-driven and cloud-native
- Versatile spectrum utilization
- Equitable and sustainable solutions
- Expertise in targeting outdoor connectivity gaps
- Scalability for both carrier and the enterprise
The future of work depends on equitable, inclusive, and seamless connectivity experiences to work anywhere, optimize operations, deliver engaging customer experiences, and innovate. Dense Air is proud to support the carrier community, while providing the carriers and their enterprise customers with CaaS solutions to advance next-generation connectivity use cases. To learn more about our solutions, please visit our site at or connect with us on social channels.
Additional Resources and Related Links:
Dense Air: Bridging infrastructure and the cloud; shaping the ecosystem of shared wireless services

Dense Air is honored to be the recipient of the Mobile Customer Experience Award for the 12th Annual CompassIntel Awards.
40 Tech Companies/Organizations honored in the 12th Annual CompassIntel Awards.
SAN ANTONIO, April 10, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — Compass Intelligence is excited to announce the 12th annual award winners of the annual CompassIntel Awards to honor the top companies, products, and technology solutions in mobile, IoT, business tech and emerging technology industries. This year we received 112 nominations coming in from companies, public relations, and corporate communications firms, editors, journalists, analysts, and other colleagues. These awards were voted on by a group of leading industry-leading press, editors, journalists, thought leaders, and analysts in early April. A total of 40 awardees are being recognized this spring.
“This year, we are seeing an emergence of new business deals, continued consolidation, and the dust settling among industry participants as the market focuses on AI,” states Stephanie Atkinson, CEO & founder of Compass Intelligence. “The marketing cycle has moved from IoT to Edge to AI. The industry will continue to be pressured to demonstrate client wins, revenue growth, and real profitability. I would like to personally congratulate the 12th annual award winners for their leadership, innovation, and success!”
The marketing cycle has moved from IoT to Edge to AI. The industry will continue to be pressured to demonstrate client wins, revenue growth, and real profitability. I would like to personally congratulate the 12th annual award winners for their leadership, innovation, and success!
The award recipients of the 12th Annual Compass Intelligence Awards are as follows:
- Connected Building: Smart Lighting – Signify
- Connected Building: Smart Development and Design – ABB
- Connected Building: Commercial Product Innovation – GridPoint
- Connected Solution Leadership: Fleet Management Tracking – Samsara
- Connected Solution Leadership: Asset Tracking – CalAmp
- Top IoT Standards Body of the Year – IEEE
- IoT Data: Edge Computing Company of the Year – Akamai’s Gecko Platform
- IoT Data: Data Analytics and Software Company of the Year – Very
- IoT Vehicle Telematics Company of the Year – KORE Wireless
- IoT App Dev / Platform of the Year for the Enterprise Market – Snowflake
- IoT Emerging Company of the Year for the Consumer & B2B Market – iApartments
- IoT Emerging Company of the Year for the Enterprise Market – Armis
- IoT Enablement Company of the Year for the Enterprise Market – Netmore Group
- IoT Security Platform of the Year – Device Authority
- IoT Semiconductor Company of the Year – Cavli Wireless
- IoT Sensor Company of the Year – Arm
- Industrial IoT Company of the Year – ObjectSpectrum
- Workplace Device Innovation – Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra
- Operations Automation – Prologis
- Mobile Customer Experience – Dense Air
- Enterprise Communications – Oracle Enterprise Communications Platform
- Team Collaboration – Salesforce’s Chatter Application
- Augmented Reality – Lenovo’s ThinkReality
- Mobile Equipment/Hardware Innovation – GXC Onyx Starter Kit
- OpenRAN Innovation – Mavenir
- Mobile Technology for Good – Samsung Galaxy for the Planet
- Work from Home Product of the Year – reMarkable 2
- 5G Innovation Product – T-Mobile Connected Workplace
- 5G Innovation Service – Ericsson Private 5G
- AV Innovation – HP | Poly Voyager Free 20 Wireless Earbuds
- Enterprise Solution of the Year – TEAL
- Machine Vision Technology – Cognex Corporation
- AI Chatbot – ClearBlade’s GenAI Assistant for Intelligent Assets
- Artificial Intelligence: Enterprise Solution – CoPilot AI
- Natural Language Processing – emtelliPro+® AI assistant by emtelligent®
- Autonomous Systems – OTTO Motors by Rockwell Automation
- Sustainability Innovation – ION Clean Energy
- Digital Twin Innovation – NVIDIA Earth-2 climate Digital Twin Cloud Platform
- Intelligent Data & Analytics – Databricks
- Physical Digital Experience – CSG Xponent
NOTE: All company and product names are the property of the companies or organizations listed above.
About The Annual Spring Awards
The 12th Annual 2024 CompassIntel Mobile/Business Tech, IoT, and Emerging Tech Awards honors companies, vendors, and organizations demonstrating innovation, leadership, disruption, and excellence in the technology industry. There are three primary areas of awards including Mobile/Business Tech, IoT, and Emerging Technologies, along with the CompassIntel personally selected awards. This year, there are 40 general award categories.
Learn more about the Awards:

Small Cell Forum Use Case: Dense Air’s pioneering use of Split 6 enabling scaled small cell deployment.
About the deployment
Dense Air is pioneering the use of Split 6 fronthaul and smart antenna technology for the scaled deployment of small cell clusters to support or infill existing holes in carrier networks, or to provide densified, dedicated private mobile coverage, enabling a range of use cases and applications.
The development of streetCell was supported through the UK Government’s Future RAN competition. Dense Air led the development, design and trial deployment of small cell clusters which would enhance network resilience and robustness – this project was called CoMP-ORAN, which stands for Coordinated Multipoint – Open Radio Access Networks.
One key use case for Split 6, an architecture championed by Small Cell Forum (SCF), is in high performance scenarios such as Connected Automated Vehicles (CAV). Using smart antenna technologies like CoMP, Dense Air’s small cell cluster design reduces the frequency of handover, providing contiguous connectivity to the vehicles, minimising the chance of data drops or disconnect.
Trial deployments and field testing happened in both Millbrook Proving Ground in Bedfordshire and at Teesside International Airport in the north of England. However, the technology being developed is versatile and applicable to various global markets. After gaining Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approval in 2023, streetCell is currently being deployed at scale across the United States.
The impact
The development of streetCell brought together several SCF members – Dense Air, Radisys and Airspan – not only to design and develop the hardware solution but also to deploy an effective end-to-end Open RAN solution, built on industry partnerships. This model, proven at the Millbrook trial, can now be offered as a complete neutral host solution where each cell within a cluster using licensed spectrum can provide densified carrier services or private secure connectivity. Although at Millbrook the use case centred on automotive, Dense Air is now deploying for enterprise and industry and working closely with a number of local government bodies, utilising existing street infrastructure to cost effectivity bring mobile service to areas in need of service.
This video illustrates a vehicle (represented by the blue dot) driving around the city course at Millbrook Proving Ground in Bedfordshire at the Cenex Expo event in September 2023. The dynamic white lines illustrate the constant connection to the vehicle from multiple cells within this cluster of 5 cells (represented by the hexagon).
The technical details
CoMP takes lead from macro level Multi Input, Multi Output (MIMO) technologies, provides significant advantages, such as:
- Each streetCell can provide both 360-degree coverage, or multi directional sectorisation with adaptable beam patterns.
- Enables the remote optimization of streetCell clusters via a Radio Intelligent Controller (RIC) to the targeted coverage and capacity objectives.
- Multiple Transmit Receive Points (Multi TRP), designed for CoMP, maximise the gains from spatial diversity and spatial multiplexing.
- Compliments macro cells by providing additional in-fill.
- Improves deployment robustness.
- Removes the need for pre-deployment radio frequency (RF) design phase to consider antenna alignment / placement.
- Eliminates nulls in target coverage area and optimises cell footprint post deployment.
- Designed to support multi-sector 2×2 MIMO operation.

The outcome
To support new 5G use cases, the industry is required to become increasingly innovative in how to reduce cost while at the same time provide enhanced reliability. By augmenting the existing network, identifying, and targeting network weak spots, Dense Air has enabled carriers to tap into seamless, low-cost additional coverage and capacity through a scalable, flexible small cell deployment model.
Their use of Split 6 fronthaul and switch beam antenna significantly reduces the cost to deploy clusters of shared network infrastructure in supporting diversified use cases. This technology which is an integral aspect of their streetCell product line, initially tested and proven at UTAC Millbrook Proving Ground, has been implemented into Dense Air’s end to end As-a-Service solution with partners Radisys and EdgeQ, currently been deployed to support several CAV use cases across the United States.
This video provides an overview of the Dense Air small cell deployment at Millbrook Proving Ground in Bedfordshire.
To read more about this use case click here.

5G Networks: Revolutionizing the Future
5G is not just faster 4G – it offers up a broad range of new network architecture, operational and service options that go beyond smartphone connectivity, and it can take full advantage of cloud platforms, open architectures, semiconductor innovations and more. In this panel discussion, held during MWC in Barcelona, James Estes, CEO Dense Air, Arun Bhikshesvaran, CEO Radisys Corporation, and Vinay Ravuri, CEO EdgeQ Inc. explore the revolutionary potential of the many 5G options available to enterprises, mobile operators, cities and communities, and other indoor & outdoor public and private use cases.